The most interesting discovery desires the most advanced telescopes. We have the resources of several powerful telescopes from the radio to X-ray including VLA, ALMA, JWST, Keck, Subaru, DESI, and Chandra. With these resources, we can observe the extremely weak flux from the fascinating objects at the very early age of the Universe. This allow us to have the detailed understanding on the co-evolution between galaxies and their environment.
How the galaxy form and evolve with time is still unclear. High redshift (the early Universe) is a good laboratory allowing us to study the details. Through imaging and spectroscopic studies (emission and absorption) with the most powerful instruments, we reveal the huge information lying in the high-z objects and dedicate to study the details of how galaxies co-evolve with the environment. Moreover, with the machine learning technique and the large spectroscopic survey, we could explore the Universe more thoroughly and efficiently.
Rencent Highlights
Inspiraling streams of enriched gas observed around a massive galaxy 11 billion years ago
Zhang S., Cai Z., et al. 2023, Science, 380, 494
Stars form in galaxies from gas that accreted from the intergalactic medium. Simulations have shown that
recycling of gas ejected from a galaxy and then re-accreted could sustain star formation in the early
Universe. We observe the gas surrounding a massive galaxy at z = 2.3 and detect emission lines from
neutral hydrogen, helium and ionized carbon that extend 100 kiloparsecs from the galaxy. The kinematics
this circumgalactic gas is consistent with an inspiralling stream. The carbon abundance indicates that
gas had previously been enriched with elements heavier than helium, previously ejected from a galaxy.
interpret the results as evidence of gas recycling during high-redshift galaxy assembly.
[CII] 158 μm emitter associated with an OI absorber at the end of the reionization epoch
Wu Y., Cai Z., et al. 2022, NatAs, 5, 1110
The physical and chemical properties of the circumgalactic medium (CGM) at z>6 have been studied
successfully through the absorption in the spectra of background Quasi-Stellar Objects
(QSOs). One of the most crucial questions is to investigate the nature and location of the source
galaxies that give rise to these early metal absorbers. Theoretical models suggest that momentum-driven
outflows from typical star-forming galaxies can eject metals into the circumgalactic medium and the
intergalactic medium at z=5-6. Deep, dedicated surveys have searched for Lya emission associated with
strong CIV absorbers at
, but only a few Lya emitter candidates have been detected. Interpreting these detections is moreover
ambiguous because Ly
is a resonant line, raising the need for complementary techniques for detecting absorbers' host
galaxies. Here, we report a [CII] 155μm emitter detected using the Atacama Large Millimeter Array that
is associated with a strong
low-ionization absorber, OI, at z=5.978. The projected impact parameter between OI and [CII] emitter is
20.0 kpc. The measured [CII] luminosity is 7.0×107 solar luminosities. Further analysis
indicates that strong OI absorbers may reside in the circumgalactic
medium of massive halos one to two orders of magnitude more massive than expected values.