Tsinghua PDS Workshop (2024)
Date |
Wednesday, December 18 |
Physics Building E100 |
Online Venue
Zoom no. 834 8945 9582 (password: 428072) |
In order to have a rough head count, please complete the registration form before 11:59am, December
16. Onsite registration/participation is
always allowed.
- Schedule:
1:30-2:00 |
Registration |
2:00-2:20 |
Round-the-room Introduction |
2:20-3:20 |
Dynamical Sculpting in the Outskirts of
Planetary Systems
Speaker: Sam
Hadden (University of Toronto)
Abstract: Beyond the orbit
of Neptune lie the remnants of a formerly
substantial planetesimal population. The
present-day orbital properties of these
trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) bear the
marks of an early dynamical upheaval in the
outer solar system that may have even
ejected along-lost ice giant sibling to
Neptune and Uranus. However, decoding the
evolutionary record etched in the orbital
properties of TNOs requires rewinding
billions of years of complex dynamical
evolution. I will describe how analytical
insights into this evolution can be obtained
using a simple mapping approach. Then I will
turn my attention to exoplanetary systems
which, based on hints of a large population
of free-floating planets from ground-based
gravitational microlensing surveys, appear
to frequently experience similar dynamical
upheavals during their early
evolution. But the details of such
planet-liberating dynamical instabilities
have previously not received much attention.
I will show that in systems that lack
Jupiter-mass giant planets, instabilities
lead to prolonged bouts of planet-planet
scattering during which multiple planets are
thrown onto loosely-bound, highly eccentric
orbits. These long-lived scattering phases
can last billions of years and, since giant
planets are known to be relatively rare,
this implies that a substantial fraction of
apparently free-floating planets detected by
microlensing surveys are actually
loosely-bound planets that only appear to be
free-floating. These results have important
implications for how we interpret the
thousands of microlensing planet
discoveries, both bound and free-floating,
expected from NASA's upcoming Roman mission.
3:20-4:00 |
Coffee/Tea Break
Title: Aspects of the Rotational Evolution
of Sun-like Stars: Insights from
High-resolution Spectroscopy and Space-based
Kento Masuda (Osaka University)
physical properties and orbits of planetary
systems are believed to undergo various
changes even after their formation.
Determining the ages of stars is essential for
statistically studying such evolution. A
useful method for this is gyrochronology,
which utilizes the relationship between
stellar rotation and age. While this
rotation-age relationship has been extensively
studied for relatively young low-mass stars in
open clusters through quasi-periodic
brightness variations in broad-band photometry
data, there is still limited information for
stars older than the Sun. In this talk,
I will present our recent work that provides
insights into the rotational evolution of
older Sun-like stars, focusing on (i) the
selection function of rotation periods derived
from photometric observations, and (ii) a
statistical analysis of high-resolution
spectroscopy data to derive the rotation
period distribution avoiding biases against
photometrically quiet stars.
5:00-5:30 |
Coffee/Tea & Free Discussion |
5:30 |
Dinner |
Contact Wei Zhu (weizhu@tsinghua.edu.cn) if there are questions
regarding this event.