====== Headline ====== ===== Li Hui ===== * Does the IMF differ between the two modes of star formation? * steeper mass function of star clusters by major mergers; is this consistent with the linear relation of halo mass and GC total mass? * triple distribution in the Age-Metallicity diagram? due to major mergers? ===== Ma Xiangcheng ===== * low-mass galaxies: what about their SFH? * turbulent SF suppress SMBH growth? What if in case of mergers? the result seems to be quite different from those predicted by Volker's simulations * What's the role of mergers, and bars? * BH mass at fixed bulge mass at high z is higher than low z, as recently found in some z>6 quasars by Feige Wang & Xiaohui Fan, using ALMA data. * SF in supergiant shells at high z has been overlooked. Where will these stars go? moving together to the central region, or distributed more widely? diverse kinematics + metallicity gradients at z~2. Xiacheng Ma+2017b, MNRAS, 466, 4780 HiZFIRE, Ma+18a GCs form efficiently in gas-rich, turbulent ISM, Ma+20a, MNRAS, 493, 4315