Instructor: Prof. Chris Ormel
New Physics Building, 2nd floor, E223
Teaching Assistant: Tian Yi (易天)
Time: Thursday 19:20—21:45
Course layout
course number is 40920013-90
distances, radiation, magnitudes, HR-diagram
Update figure
planet detection techiques: radial velocity method, transits, microlensing, astrometry, direct imaging
Update figure
The two body problem, orbital elements, resonances, numerical integration techniques
Update figure
Equations of States: degenerate matter, hydrostatic balance, polytropes
Nuclear fusion: energy reservoirs, proton-proton & CNO cycle, nucleosynthesis
Update figure
Star formation: virial theorem, Jeans mass, initial mass function, Eddington Luminosity, Dispersion relationship, gravitational instability
Planet formation: protoplanetary disks, disk instability and core accretion, gravitational focusing and runaway growth
Update figure
mean free path and opacity, energy transport, stellar structure equations, stellar evolution, features in HR-diagram, homology, burning sequences, nucleosynthesis
Update figure
The three body problem, Lagrange points, tides, Earth-Moon system
Update figure
2nd edition; Carroll & Ostlie (2006); Main reference book for this course (but not all chapters will be discussed!) []
(Astronomy and Astrophysics Library) 3 STG Edition by Kippenhahn, Rudolf, Weigert, Alfred published by Springer (1996)
by Murray & Dermott, Cambridge University Press (1999)
by Armitage, Cambridge University Press (2009)
by Tremaine, Cambridge University Press (2009) Mind nested pages !!
for slide overview
Don't forget to read the small fonts. I may skip some details in class, but it may help you to comprehend the material when you reviewing it.
You need to be able to follow, understand, and derive yourself the material presented on the blackboard.
Some material may not be covered in the book! So, do attend the lectures!
You need to be able to follow, understand, and derive yourself the material presented on the blackboard.
Wikipedia is today's Library of Alexandria. A true gem, indispensable to the modern scientist.
I have tried to place references (links) as much as possible. You should do the same in your reporting.
Like most astronomers, I will use the cgs (centimeter-gram-seconds) or Gaussian unit system. The most radical difference with SI units is that the Gauss unit system omits proportionality constants in the electromagnetic laws. For example, the Coulomb law becomes
That is, without the proportionality constant of
The drawback of this choice is that other electromagnetic laws — notably Maxwell's equations — also look different. But we won't use them in this course
In your problem sets, you are welcome to use SI units. But take care and be consistent!
unit | cgs unit | abbrev. | SI unit |
length | centimeter | cm | 10-2m |
time | seconds | s | 1 s |
mass | gram | g | 10-3 kg |
energy | erg | erg | 10-7 J |
pressure | erg cm-3 | 10-1 Pa | |
magnetic-B | Gauss | G | 10-4 T |
cgs units |
constant | symbol | cgs value | unit | SI value | unit |
Astronomical unit | au | 1.496×1013 | cm | 1.496×1011 | m |
Atomic mass constant | mu | 1.661×10-24 | g | 1.661×10-27 | kg |
Boltzmann constant | k | 1.381×10−16 | erg K-1 | 1.381×10−23 | J K-1 |
Electron mass | me | 9.109×10−28 | g | 9.109×10−31 | kg |
Electron volt | eV | 1.602×10−12 | erg | 1.602×10−19 | J |
Elementary charge | e | 4.803×10−10 | cm3/2 g1/2 s-1 | 1.602×10−19 | C |
Gravitational constant | G | 6.674×10−8 | cm3 g-1 s-2 | 6.674×10−11 | m3 kg-1 s-2 |
Planck constant | h | 6.626×10−27 | erg s | 6.626×10−34 | J s |
Solar luminosity | L⊙ | 3.828×1033 | erg s-1 | 3.828×1026 | W |
Solar radius | R⊙ | 6.957×1010 | cm | 6.957×108 | m |
Solar mass | M⊙ | 1.988×1033 | g | 1.988×1030 | kg |
Speed of light in vacuum | c | 2.998×1010 | cm s-1 | 2.998×108 | m s-1 |
Some (fundamental) constants in cgs and SI units |
Grade = 0.2
+ 0.2
+0.1 max(
in-class quizzes
+0.2 max(
+0.2 max(
+0.1 max2(
Course Elements and Grade contribution
In addition, the score can also be used towards one of the Free Areas
Similar to the Problem Sets. The score can contribute towards one of the Free Areas (below)
Similar to the in-class quizzes. Multiple choice questions
you may substitute your score for the Exam (Quiz part) here
Every students gives a presentation about their project. Scheduled for the final 2 weeks. The score on the presentation can be replaced by the report.
This is optional. You can replace the score of the Presentation with it OR count it towards one of the Free space (but not both!)
Grade = 0.2
+ 0.2
+0.1 max(
in-class quizzes
+0.2 max(
+0.2 max(
+0.1 max2(
More grade optimization
The best of the above three elements
Like the above, where we take the 2nd-best score
Grade = 0.2
+ 0.2
+0.1 max(
in-class quizzes
+0.2 max(
+0.2 max(
+0.1 max2(
Name | PS | Ex/Q | Ex/Pr | in-class Q. | Present. | Report | Free Area |
Ann | 0.4 | 0.3 | 0.1 | — | — | 0.2 | I=PS; II=Ex/Pr |
Ben | 0.4 | 0.2 | — | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.1 | I=PS; II=Report |
Caro | 0.2 | 0.2 | 0.1 | 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.2 | I=Report; II=Ex/Pr |
Donald | 0.3 | 0.3 | 0.2 | — | 0.2 | — | I=Ex/Pr; II=PS |
contribution of various components to the final grade |
for the Stars and Planets course
PS will be distributed on the day when the module is first discussed in class. They must be returned one week after the last day the module has been covered in class
You should be able to motivate and reproduce your solution independently. We will be very strict on academic misconduct. Do NOT blindly copy homework from others. Do NOT conduct in plagiarism when writing reports. Always state references.
you do not learn anything when asking chatGPT to solve the problems for you, it will lead to lower grades, and it will take the TA much more effort to grade
\begin{equation} E=mc^2 \end{equation}
No need to write down the numerical values if these have already been stated.
When asked ("What is", "Give the value", etc...) do give the numerical value at the end!
Suggestion: start with your primary answer and state additional arguments in brackets. (We will ignore them when they are wrong)
\begin{equation} E=mc^2 \end{equation}
No need to write down the numerical values if these have already been stated.
When asked ("What is", "Give the value", etc...) do give the numerical value at the end!
Suggestion: start with your primary answer and state additional arguments in brackets. (We will ignore them when they are wrong)
\begin{equation} E=mc^2 \end{equation}
No need to write down the numerical values if these have already been stated.
When asked ("What is", "Give the value", etc...) do give the numerical value at the end!
Suggestion: start with your primary answer and state additional arguments in brackets. (We will ignore them when they are wrong)
\begin{equation} E=mc^2 \end{equation}
No need to write down the numerical values if these have already been stated.
When asked ("What is", "Give the value", etc...) do give the numerical value at the end!
Suggestion: start with your primary answer and state additional arguments in brackets. (We will ignore them when they are wrong)
\begin{equation} E=mc^2 \end{equation}
No need to write down the numerical values if these have already been stated.
When asked ("What is", "Give the value", etc...) do give the numerical value at the end!
Suggestion: start with your primary answer and state additional arguments in brackets. (We will ignore them when they are wrong)
for dummies
—By Tian Yi—
TA Tian Yi will provide a tutorial how to use python/matplotlib
to create publication-quality ready plots.
The tutorial is voluntarily but strongly recommended if you do not know how to make plots. In that case:
Tian Yi will send out a WeChat questionnaire on this
You will be conducting a research project in the area of numerical gravitational dynamics. The procedure is the following:
The performance must be satisfactory, as judged by TA Tian Yi.
A fuller description on each of these topcis will be provided. The deadline is XXX. Projects are distributed on a first come, first serve basis. More challenging projects (two stars) may take more effort, but can achieve higher scores. If you miss the deadline, you will be assigned an easy project.
You are expected to address the questions raised in the description. But you are free to widen the scope of the research.
This is optional
topic | level |
two-body problems | |
particle settling in disks | |
particle orbital decay in disks | |
tidal circularization of planets | |
the Earth-Moon system | |
three-body problems | |
pebble accretion | ☆ |
αCentauri | ☆ |
resonance trapping | ☆ |
many-body problems | |
viscous stirring | ☆☆ |
planetesimal scattering & accretion | ☆☆ |
protoplanet orbit crossing | ☆☆ |
chaos in the solar system | ☆☆ |
the solar system back in time | ☆☆ |
You will be conducting a research project in the area of numerical gravitational dynamics. The procedure is the following:
The performance must be satisfactory, as judged by TA Tian Yi.
A fuller description on each of these topcis will be provided. The deadline is XXX. Projects are distributed on a first come, first serve basis. More challenging projects (two stars) may take more effort, but can achieve higher scores. If you miss the deadline, you will be assigned an easy project.
You are expected to address the questions raised in the description. But you are free to widen the scope of the research.
This is optional
topic | level |
two-body problems | |
particle settling in disks | |
particle orbital decay in disks | |
tidal circularization of planets | |
the Earth-Moon system | |
three-body problems | |
pebble accretion | ☆ |
αCentauri | ☆ |
resonance trapping | ☆ |
many-body problems | |
viscous stirring | ☆☆ |
planetesimal scattering & accretion | ☆☆ |
protoplanet orbit crossing | ☆☆ |
chaos in the solar system | ☆☆ |
the solar system back in time | ☆☆ |
You will be conducting a research project in the area of numerical gravitational dynamics. The procedure is the following:
The performance must be satisfactory, as judged by TA Tian Yi.
A fuller description on each of these topcis will be provided. The deadline is XXX. Projects are distributed on a first come, first serve basis. More challenging projects (two stars) may take more effort, but can achieve higher scores. If you miss the deadline, you will be assigned an easy project.
You are expected to address the questions raised in the description. But you are free to widen the scope of the research.
This is optional
topic | level |
two-body problems | |
particle settling in disks | |
particle orbital decay in disks | |
tidal circularization of planets | |
the Earth-Moon system | |
three-body problems | |
pebble accretion | ☆ |
αCentauri | ☆ |
resonance trapping | ☆ |
many-body problems | |
viscous stirring | ☆☆ |
planetesimal scattering & accretion | ☆☆ |
protoplanet orbit crossing | ☆☆ |
chaos in the solar system | ☆☆ |
the solar system back in time | ☆☆ |
20.02 | introduction start Module 1 (Light), (2..) | |
27.02 | start + finish Module 2 (exoplanets) ... | |
TBD | matplotlib tutorial (TA Tian Yi) | outside regular class; optional |
05.03 | TBD | deadline PS-1 |
.... | (3 other March lectures) | |
.... | (4 April lectures) | |
end April | ddl to finalize the topic of your mini-research | |
01.05 | Labor day | |
... | (4 other May lectures) | |
05.06 | project presentations | |
12.06 | project presentations | last teaching day |
TBD | exam | |
upcoming schedule |