我目前 是清华大学天文系的一名副教授。我当前的研究 重点是系外行星的观测和统计,但我对天体物理领域的多个方向均感兴趣。欢迎有相同志趣的学生或博士后加入我们的团 队,也欢迎其他同行同事们联 系并建立合作。
I'm a Tenure-track Associate Professor in the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. I work on both theoretical and observational aspects of astrophysics, with a focus on exoplanets. Please explore this site to find more about my work. If you are interested in joining our team or starting collaborations, please feel free to contact me: weizhu (at) tsinghua.edu.cn
- Since 2021.02: Assistant Professor-->Associate Professor (tenure-track), Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University
- 2017.09--2021.02: Postdoctoral Fellow & Senior Research Associate, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA), University of Toronto
- 2013.08--2017.08: Graduate student, Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State University
最新进展 What's new
- 2024.01: Fall semester ended successfully. Zhecheng won the DoA AMD prize, Haibin, Qingru, and Quanyi won the LinBridge Exoplanet Prize@NJU, Qingru also won the LinBridge Fellowship@Tsinghua, and Haimeng won the top prize for Tsinghua undergraduates (本科生特等奖学金). Congratulations to them all!
- 2024.01: 本科课程《黑洞与致密天体》完成第二次授课,同时课程网站【链接】正式上线。(注:部分内容或有错误之处,还请同行同事同学们批判指正!)
- 2023.12: Exoplanets
& Planet Formation Workshop 2023 successfully held! Here is the news.
研究团队 group members
- 博士后/Postdoc
- Shuo Zhang (张硕), Tsinghua
- 研究生/Graduate Students
- Zhecheng Hu (胡哲程), Tsinghua
- Haibin Ren (任海滨), Tsinghua
- Qingru Hu (胡清茹), Tsinghua
- Quanyi Liu (刘权毅), Tsinghua
- Shubo Li (李树博), UCAS
- 本科生/Undergraduate Students
- Jiayin Li (李佳音), Beihang U.
- 课题组秘书/Group Assistant: Yindong Zhang (张寅东)
- Past members (since 2021): Haimeng Zhao (赵海萌), 2021-2022, Tsinghua->Caltech; Shi Yan (颜实), 2020-2022, Nankai->Brown; Zerui Liu (刘泽瑞), 2020-2022, Tsinghua->NAOC; Hanyue Wang (王涵悦), 2021, Harvard->Stanford; Xiaoyi Ma (马潇依), 2021-2022, UToronto->UVictoria; Shuyu Wang (汪书玉), 2022, UChicago->Lenden.