Two-body problem
The solutions of the equation of motion between two gravitating bodies.
Circular restricted Three-body problem
A special case of the three-body problem with two massive bodies on a circular orbit and a third (massless) test particle. The motion is described in the co-moving frame where the gravitating bodies are at rest.
Hill's approximation
Applicable when the secondary mass' is small
Deformation of an extended body by the perturber's gravity, causing energy to be dissipated
Orbital resonances
Regular, periodic forcing between planetary bodies, when conjuctions take place at similar points in the orbit
The two-body problem for bodies at a mass ratio
In the inertial frame both bodies orbit around the center of mass (cross).
relative motion with one of the bodies put at the center. This representation is far more common (and useful) when
. However, motion is not in an inertial coordinate frame.
The orbit is elliptical, here with an eccentricity of e=0.7.
Energy | ![]() |
Angular momentum | ![]() |
Eccentricity vector | ![]() |
which describes an ellipse with semi-major axis
and semi-minor axis
which describes an ellipse with semi-major axis
and semi-minor axis
where n is the
mean motion.
This is Kepler's law (not to be confused with Kepler's equation [see below], which describes how
is related to time
Three anomalies
where t is time, n the mean motion, and t0 the time of pericenter passage
indicates the position of the particle in the orbit
another indicator for the position of the orbit (see figure) the eccentric and true anomalies are geometrically related:
Kepler's equation relates the eccentric and mean anomalies
Hence, while we can obtain the mean anomaly (or time) as function of
, i.e.,
, no analytic solutions exist for the reverse problem,
. This amounts to solving Kepler's equation — a transcendental equation that must be solved numerically.
There are 6 orbital elements:
this is the angle with a reference direction. In the planar case the reference is fixed (e.g., the x-axis); in the 3D case, it is the angle with respect to the ascending node Ω.
Sometimes, this angle is replaced by
the longitude of pericenter
the position of the particle w.r.t. pericenter. Equivalently,
the true longitude
Another option is to indicate the positon by the mean anomaly M or by the
mean longitude
which is not a geometric angle.
for 2D problems, these 4 elements suffice.
There are 6 orbital elements:
In the guiding center approximation the orbit solution, as function of mean anomaly M reads, to first order in eccentricity:
This is a superposition of:
Note. The 2:1 aspect ratio and the epicycle frequency are valid for a Keplerian potential. This can be generalized to arbitrary potentials.
Note. Historically, pre-Copernican Europeans used circular epicyles to describe the motion of planets under the Ptolemaic model (Earth at center). They did not stop with one epicycle!
Guiding center approximation for a particle in an
motion with respect to the guiding center.
read CO 18.1
the first term on the RHS is the Coriolis force, the second the centrifugal force. We insert the mean motion of the binary n for ω.
are the two-body potentials
in the rotating frame. Applications range from:
— stellar binaries evolution
— dynamics of asteroids
in the rotating frame. Applications range from:
— stellar binaries evolution
— dynamics of asteroids
in the rotating frame. Applications range from:
— stellar binaries evolution
— dynamics of asteroids
in the rotating frame. Applications range from:
— stellar binaries evolution
— dynamics of asteroids
5 in total:
in the rotating frame. Applications range from:
— stellar binaries evolution
— dynamics of asteroids
5 in total:
Stellar binaries are a classic application of the three-body problem
e.g., during the RGB phase. This does not necessarily have to be the most massive star
If one star has (almost) fills its Roche lobe, the binary is referred to as semi-detached
Possible (but not necessarily) it will also fill the Roche Lobe of the secondary.
Accretion onto the secondary can substantially change its evolution
This is the common envelope phase. The system has now become a contact binary
Stellar binaries are a classic application of the three-body problem
e.g., during the RGB phase. This does not necessarily have to be the most massive star
If one star has (almost) fills its Roche lobe, the binary is referred to as semi-detached
Possible (but not necessarily) it will also fill the Roche Lobe of the secondary.
Accretion onto the secondary can substantially change its evolution
This is the common envelope phase. The system has now become a contact binary
Stellar binaries are a classic application of the three-body problem
e.g., during the RGB phase. This does not necessarily have to be the most massive star
If one star has (almost) fills its Roche lobe, the binary is referred to as semi-detached
Possible (but not necessarily) it will also fill the Roche Lobe of the secondary.
Accretion onto the secondary can substantially change its evolution
This is the common envelope phase. The system has now become a contact binary
Stellar binaries are a classic application of the three-body problem
e.g., during the RGB phase. This does not necessarily have to be the most massive star
If one star has (almost) fills its Roche lobe, the binary is referred to as semi-detached
Possible (but not necessarily) it will also fill the Roche Lobe of the secondary.
Accretion onto the secondary can substantially change its evolution
This is the common envelope phase. The system has now become a contact binary
Consequences Roche Lobe overflow
hydrogen spills over and is ignited on the surface of the White Dwarf
upon reaching the Chandrasekhar mass, the Carbon in the White Dwarf's core will explosively ignite
in the first step, we assumed that r2/d is small; in the second, additionally, that
Interpretation. At distances
we can ignore m1's (the stellar) gravity; at distances
the secondary's gravity amounts to a small perturbation (small angle scattering). At distances
both bodies contribute equally, giving rise to complex 3-body dynamics.
Interpretation. At distances
we can ignore m1's (the stellar) gravity; at distances
the secondary's gravity amounts to a small perturbation (small angle scattering). At distances
both bodies contribute equally, giving rise to complex 3-body dynamics.
→ sample integrations of trajectories in Hill's approximation. Particles initially have 0 eccentricity. Grey: particles do not enter the Hill sphere; orange: particles enter and exit the Hill sphere; red: particles that accrete onto the planet Encounters that enter the Hill sphere will experience strong scatterings.
read CO 19.2
Based on the Hill radius expression, the prefactor should have been 31/3. But the point-mass assumptions underlying these expressions are no longer be valid at the point where bodies are tidally torn apart. The expression (first derived by Eduard Roche) accounted for these effects
Note in case of planet satellites, we are represented with a hierarchy: star—planet—satellite. We say that the satellite orbits within the planet's Hill sphere, and that they are destroyed once they pertrude inside the planet's Roche limit.
read CO 19.2
is the tidal potential and
is the Legendre polynomial.
where the components are the Cartesian x and y. Tides on a planet are created due to a difference in the gravitational force of the perturber over its surface.
Q: What are the amplitudes of the tides on the Earth, induced by the Moon and the Sun, respectively?
read CO 19.2
is the tidal potential and
is the Legendre polynomial.
where the components are the Cartesian x and y. Tides on a planet are created due to a difference in the gravitational force of the perturber over its surface.
for the Earth this gives a tide (full amplitude) of 71cm (Moon) and 33cm (Sun)?
It's defined as
is the tidal frequency — for a diurnal tide (Earth-Moon system)
— and
is the maximum energy stored in the tidal deformation.
This expression arises, because it is reasonable to expect that the rate of energy dissipation
is proportional to tidal frequency and
This heats the planets (tidal heating) at the expense of the total spin and orbital angular momentum
planet | quality factor | Love number | inertia factor |
Q | k2 | CI | |
Earth | 12 | 0.3 | 0.33 |
Moon | 12 | 0.3 | 0.33 |
Mars | (100) | 0.14 | 0.364 |
Io | (100) | 0.03 | 0.364 |
planet internal data |
This can be understood as follows. The excess/deficit mass in the tidal bulge is
. The quadrupole potential generated by
will be be proportial to
is aligned with the bulge. Finally,
k2p — the
Love number
— encapsulates all our uncertainty regarding the tidal response. For example, rigid planets will have small
In expressions like these, the tidal lag parameter ε is usually replaced by the tidal quality factor Qp.
(for positive ΓT) the satellite gains energy while the planet loses energy
Q: What happens to this energy?
In a reference frame aligned with the tidal bulge, the quadrupole potential it generates
the positive x-axis. In this frame the satellite is located at
(in case of a tidal lag). The tidal torque on the satellite is:
The torque is defined positive for satellites beyond the synchronization radius (positive lag angle and increase in orbital energy). Otherwise, Γ is negative.
is the moment of inertia of the planet
its spin, mμ the reduced mass,
the mean motion
the semi-major axes of the orbit.
is the moment of inertia of the planet and signs are consistent with a positive torque (orbit expands and planet spins down).
Role of Planet and Satellite can be interchanged
The equations
also hold when there is no (net) torque (
Note.: In discussion below
I have interchanged the satellite/planet (
) as it is more usual that a massive body (planet/star) induces tides in a smaller body (satellite/planet).
When the satellite is
tidally locked
), there is no (fixed/net) tidal lag:
does not change. However, tides still operate, e.g., when the satellite is inclined or is in an eccentric orbit. This is because tides dissipate energy in the interior of the planet (
), resulting in energy being extracted from the orbit and circularizing it (due to angular momentum conservation).
↑ Tidal forcing due to a satellite on an eccentric orbit, in a frame where the guiding center (open circle) is at rest. As the planet is tidally locked, there is no rotation in this frame (black arrow is fixed). The tidal bulge follows (but lags) the position of the satellite. Energy is dissipated due to the radial and azimuthal flexing of the bulge. The tidal deformation and lag angle are greatly exaggerated for illustrative purposes.
Are the TRAPPIST-1 planets tidally locked?
where tides are due to the 0.09 solar-mass star. For d and n I have inserted values for the outer-most planets.
It is therefore very likely that all its planets are tidally locked!
Since the system age is many Gyr old
The Galilean satellite system is an example of three-body resonance (Laplace resonance)
The period ratios of the planets obey a conmensurability, where the orbital period ratio is a rational number:
Q: Shown are planets at/near a 3:2 mean motion resonance. Inner body is on a circular orbit, outer on an eccentric. Which are in resonance?
Hence, the resonance angle corresponds to the mean anomaly M2 at conjuction. When
is fixed, conjunction always take place at the same point in the orbit.
That is,
is restricted to a certain range.
To librate contrasts to circulate — in that case
takes on all values
between 0 and 360 degrees.
→ inner planet on circular orbit; outer on eccentric orbit with conjunctions just past pericenter. Positions at equal times are connected by dots.
for an eccentric outer planet, stable conjunctions take place at apocenter.
where Fθ is the azimuthal component and Δl the change in angular momentum of planet 2.
→ inner planet on circular orbit; outer on eccentric orbit with conjunctions just past pericenter. Positions at equal times are connected by dots. Before the conjunction 2 experiences a gravitational force (from 1) opposite to its direction of motion. After the encounter, planet 1 pulls planet 2 along. Only the azimuthal component of the direct force is shown with red arrows. In this setup the resonance would move to apocenter.
The resonance forcing equations for a first order (j+1:j) resonance read:
j | Gje (inner) | Gje (outer) |
1 | -0.214 | 1.50 |
2 | -1.66 | 2.32 |
3 | -2.46 | 3.13 |
4 | -3.27 | 3.93 |
5 | -4.07 | 4.73 |
6 | -4.87 | 5.54 |
valid for an inner perturber on a circular orbit (left column; with δ1=1) or an outer perturber on circular orbit (right column; with δ2=0)
Several applications and insights follow from these equations
Another, complementary way to study these problems are direct N-body integrations, which numerically solve the equation of motion.
ipython notebook script.
Several applications and insights follow from these equations
Another, complementary way to study these problems are direct N-body integrations, which numerically solve the equation of motion.
ipython notebook script.
Several applications and insights follow from these equations
Another, complementary way to study these problems are direct N-body integrations, which numerically solve the equation of motion.
ipython notebook script.
Do planets get trapped?
in case of TRAPPIST-1, its seven planets are located near 8:5, 5:3, 3:2, 3:2, 4:3, and 3:2.
certainly not every planet pair is now in resonance, e.g., solar system
Do planets get trapped?
in case of TRAPPIST-1, its seven planets are located near 8:5, 5:3, 3:2, 3:2, 4:3, and 3:2.
certainly not every planet pair is now in resonance, e.g., solar system