我目前 是清华大学天文系的一名副教授。我当前的研究 重点是系外行星的观测和统计,但我对天体物理领域的多个方向均感兴趣。欢迎有相同志趣的学生或博士后加入我们的团 队,也欢迎其他同行同事们联系并建立合作。

I'm a Tenure-track Associate Professor in the Department of Astronomy at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. I work on both theoretical and observational aspects of astrophysics, with a focus on exoplanets. Please explore this site to find more about my work. If you are interested in joining our team or starting collaborations, please feel free to contact me: weizhu (at) tsinghua.edu.cn

For more about myself, please check out my (somewhat outdated) cv.

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