Physics of Light
Obtain a basic understanding on how light is defined physically
Light and Distances in Astronomy
Understand how astronomers measure distances to and brigtness of objects
Hertzsprung Russell (HR) diagram
(Also: color-magnitude diagram). Understand the basics of the most famous diagram in Astronomy; locate the positions of stars on the HR diagram.
Radio continuum
Synchroton emission (fast electrons)
Cas(iopeia) A
supernovae remnant
Atomic hydrogen
Radio continuum
synchroton emission (fast electrons) and free-free emission (hot ionized regions)
J1→0 CO line
molecular gas and star formation regions
far-IR continuum
re-radiated thermal emission (warm dust)
mid-IR continuum
diffuse PAH emission and point source (RGB, planetary nebula, SF-regions)
cool K-stars (some absorption by dust)
stars (much absorption by dust)
collisions by cosmic rays and pulsars
gamma rays
collisions by cosmic rays and pulsars
Crab Pulsar
read CO 3.4-3.6 and CO 9.1
A photon gas obeys Bose-Einstein statistics, the spectral energy density is
that is, the product of the density of states, the energy, and the probability that it is occupied. where
is frequency,
is Planck's constant,
temperature, c the speed of light, and k Boltzmann constant. The derivation follows from statistical mechanics principles.
the spectral intensity with which the energy escapes to space is :
This is the Planck function (black-body radiation): the amount of energy radiated per unit area, per unit frequency, per unit solid angle (spatial angle)
read CO 3.4-3.6 and CO 9.1
Integrated over frequency, we obtain:
is Stefan-Boltmann constant.
where L is luminosity and R the radius.
It is customary to define the
effective temperature
in this way:
even when the radiation does not follow a blackbody.
read CO 3.4-3.6 and CO 9.1
Properties Planck function
In Astronomy, it is challenging to measure distances.
The parallax method is an astrometric method to obtain distances to relatively close stars. Over the course of a solar orbit, they will change their position on the sky. The definition of parallax is such that a shift of 1 arcsec ('') corresponds to a distance of 1 parsec (pc).
1'' = 1/3600 deg. It follows that
→ Definition of parallax (c) Wikipedia
Cepheids are pulsating stars that have a well studies Luminosity-Period relationship.
The physical reason will be explained in later lectures
Historically, the empirical relationship was discoverd by Henrietta Swan Leavitt. It was used to measure the distances to the Magallenic Clouds—satellite galaxies to the Milky Way.
→ top: period-luminosity relationship of Cepheids,
(c) ATNF
bottom: kappa Pavonis light curve with TESS. (c) Warrick Ball -- Wikipedia
In astronomy we often express brightness on a logarithmic —magnitude— scale
Brighter stars have lower magnitude! The key significance of magnitude lies in its relative scaling, not in the absolute value
Often the star Vega — or rather the emission corresponding to an 11,000 K blackbody — is used for the reference magnitude
Or, between two stars a difference in flux amounts to a different in magnitude of
the magnitude of star 1,
the magnitude
of star 2,
the brightness
of star 1,
the brightness of star 2.
Stars that differ by a factor 100 in brightness, differ by 5 magnitudes
with the brightest star having the lowest value!
In astronomy we often express brightness on a logarithmic —magnitude— scale
where m-M is called the distance modulus
In astronomy we often express brightness on a logarithmic —magnitude— scale
Arguably the most important diagnostic tool in Astronomy! One identifies:
MS-stars are stars that fuse hydrogen into helium
Stars ascend it after H-burning stops in the core
Massive stars that have left the MS
"Dead" remnant of stellar cores
nearly vertical line in HR-diagram; stars (in equilibrium) cannot cross it
Note: In all HR-diagrams (or its observational equivalent, the color-magnitude diagram ) brigh(ter) stars can be found at the top, while red(der) stars are at the right.
Note: In all HR-diagrams (or its observational equivalent, the color-magnitude diagram ) brigh(ter) stars can be found at the top, while red(der) stars are at the right.
← An example of a color-magnitude diagram from the GAIA satellite, plotting absolute magnitude vs color.